Sunday, April 14, 2019

Painting the Budweiser Clydesdale's

The Budweiser Hitch made an appearance at Country Thunder in Florence, AZ. I did not want to miss an opportunity to paint these incredible, beloved horses.

These are the two paintings I did from life of the Budweiser Hitch and their handlers. This was an energetic and thrilling morning. The paintings were completely spontaneous and done from a distance to avoid interfering with the tasks of preparing for their public hitch appearance. 

When I arrived, two handlers were each walking four horses around the grounds to allow them exercise. I followed and quickly set my easel up and sketched the gesture as they were returning to the stalls. They had 10 horses on this tour, and 8 were past the point to capture in this pose. I was lucky that another handler took the remaining two for a walk. While they were heading out, I quickly found a place out of the way and set up to paint. When they walked past, I further defined my sketch, then completed the painting from memory.

The second painting, "Bath Time", I was afforded a relatively stationary scene. Editing out everything but the essence, the composition tells the story of getting ready for their public appearance.

The quick gesture sketch.

Getting as much information as I can, then working from memory.

The finished field study.
"Morning Walk"

The quick gesture sketch.
The completed field study.
"Bath Time"
They are incredible horses!


Norma said...

Love these.

Noah said...

Very thoughtfuul blog