Sunday, November 4, 2018

Assateague Island Painting and Photography Workshop 2018

The 2018 Assateague Island Painting and Photography Workshop  was  wonderful. The workshop sponsored by Assateague Island Alliance is one of two workshops conducted during my Artist-in-Residence. A one day Landscape Painting Workshop and a two day Wild Horse Painting and Photography Workshop.  Meredith Hudes-Lowder of Equus ferus Wild Horse Photography conducted the photography sessions, giving participants insight into reference photography and editing.

The Horse Painting and Photography class.

Meredith Hudes-Lowder giving photography instruction.

Discussing photography for artist reference. 

I'm giving a quick demo before it starts raining.

Meredith playing her harp at sunset.

Enjoying the beauty of Assateague.

Here are a few paintings that I completed during my stay.

"Stallion in Light"  

"Morning Nap-young filly"

"Morning Light-Filly"

"Bay-side Sunset with horses"

"Assateague Dunes"

"After the Rain"

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