Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Blazer" Wild Stallion of the Sand Wash Basin

"Blazer" is one of the stallions I met last summer. He had one mare with him.  I remember when I saw him, I had just came up over a small hill and saw four Pronghorn who looked at me a quickly went on their way. It was a delight to go a little further and see this stallion and his mare ahead of me. I  felt so much freedom out their vast home. I spent a little time with them before saying "Thank you" and heading down the road.

In sharing my paintings I  am also sharing  the journey that I take to create. What I feel, hear, smell and taste on these adventures are what I want to express. These paintings (approximately 4x4), are part of that dialog between the beginning of my journey and where you wish to travel as you view them. Much of the detail is left out, allowing you to complete that part of the journey as you wish.

"Blazer, Wild Stallion"



Christine said...

He looks like he has a kind eye! And I love the big jowls that stallions have :)

Karen McLain said...

Thank you Christine! Wild horses are amazing!