Sunday, September 3, 2017

Mustang Walkabout 2017

This summer's Mustang Walkabout was successful, educating and inspiring. Karen McLain Studio and Equus ferus Wild Horse Photography visited Sand Wash Basin, CO and the Great Basin, UT. The opportunity to be on the range with Meredith Hudes-Lowder, scientist and phenomenal  photographer was wonderful. In addition to the Equus ferus  Wild Horse Photography website, she maintains a blog that covers equine genetics, coat color, and pertinent research topics.

Sand Wash Basin, CO

Painting Picasso.

The Free Meet and Shoot at Sand Wash Basin. 

Camping at the Great Basin.

Meredith Hudes-Lowder, and extraordinary photographer.

Morning waterhole visit.

Quick movement studies. 

Meredith, playing her Harpcicle harp.

A watercolor with reflections.

Goodnight from the range.
I look forward to going through the photos, videos and painting. Follow me on Facebook and be inspired by the wonderful photography of Equus ferus on Facebook as well.